Sasa Kulic, Toronto Web Designer
205 Cosburn Ave. #1014
M4J 2L4
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Phone: 416-465-2189
Cell: 416-262-4417
Web: www.sashadesign.com
As a web designer and developer, my objective is to make a positive impact on clients, co-workers, and the Internet using my skills and experience to design compelling and attractive websites. I enjoy working on projects that involve a mix of web and graphic design, web development, database management and programming.
Skill Set
- JavaScript/DHTML
- Perl
- Java
- Adobe Photoshop and ImageReady
- Adobe Illustrator
- Macromedia Flash
- Macromedia Dreamweaver
- Sound Forge
- Web Servers: eg. Microsoft IIS and Apache
- Microsoft Office
- FTP clients
- MS Access
- MS SQL Server
General Skills
- Responsible and eager to learn.
- Strong interpersonal communications skills.
- Adaptive to new applications and technologies.
- Extensive knowledge of all technical areas involving web design, web development, and maintenance.
- Reliable, motivated, hardworking and attentive to details.
Work History
All websites listed below were completed by me or the team I was part of.
05 2003 - Current
Clue Design, Toronto, Canada
Co-owner / Web Designer / Developer
Below is a selection of the most recent projects
- www.mdg.ca
- www.my-bermuda-house.com
- www.kaa-boom.com
- www.cnmag.ca
- www.mdgistore.com
- workplaceinstitute.org
- www.marcodamico.com
- www.impactinsurancebrokers.com
- www.stantoninteriors.ca
- www.sportbermuda.com
- www.naturopathyclinic.com
- www.rsgc.com
- www.vgvinc.com
- www.strategyunderwriting.com
- www.onnip.ca
- www.drivers.com
- www.chessteacher.ca
- www.pnphotography.com
08 2002 - Current
Trivedi Communications Inc., Toronto Canada
Web Designer / Developer
- www.trivedicommunications.com
- www.jemorganb2b.com
- www.duofoldb2b.com
- www.hanes.com
- www.tilley.com
- www.balicompany.com
- www.championb2b.com
07 2002 - 08 2002
EcomBcom Inc., Toronto Canada
Web Designer / Developer
05 2000 - 07 2002
Travelinx Inc., Toronto Canada
Web Designer / Developer
- www.dreamscapes.ca
- www.canadagolf.com
- www.travelinx.net
- www.canadatravel.ca
- www.ontariotravel.net
- www.getnorth.com
- www.tourismpartners.com
03 1999 - 05 2000
Web Designer / Developer / Consultant
01 2001 - Present
I have been developing my personal web site at: http://www.sashadesign.com
SashaDesign.com is a fully dynamic data-driven modern web page that reflect the ever increasing usage of standard XHTML and CSS 2 to deliver higher fidelity web pages. It is laid out using CSS positioning as opposed to tables.
During this period of time I have been involved in two other projects:
- www.cluedesign.com
- www.designcity.org - new design community for professionals
Computer Science - York University, Toronto Ontario
Multimedia Designer Certificate - SAE Institute Berlin
Other Information
- I fluently speak four languages: English, German, Italian and Serbo-Croatian.
- I am a passionate chess player, among top 100 on Canadian Chess rating list.